Creative art photo shoot with mask in Alicante home studio

Through the Layers of Imagery

Multilayered Images: Art Shooting with Mask within the Chronicles of Color and Symbols project

Every photo shoot we created within the Chronicles of Color and Symbols project is unique in concept and execution. One of the most vivid and symbolically rich works was the shooting with the use of the author’s mask, designed by the artist-collagist Rina. The photo shoot was held in our studio, where special attention was paid to light and shadow — elements that emphasize the atmosphere of the frame and multi-layered image. 

For the shoot we combined light pulses and muted shadows, creating a sense of mystery and enigma in each frame. A special highlight is the author’s mask created by Rina especially for this shoot. This mask, which is a kind of collage, brought elements of surrealism to the photo shoot, making each shot a kind of metaphor, in which everyone can put their own meaning. 

The project, as always, was based on pure creativity and experiments with light, which allowed to convey the unique energy of the series and the depth of each frame.