Before signing up for a photo shoot, please read this section carefully!

Here I answer the most frequently asked questions to photographers. 

If you have questions that are not covered in this section or are not fully addressed, do not hesitate to ask.

FAQ. Photographer in Spain Andrey Lukovnikov (Alicante, Torrevieja)

How to book a shooting date?

Decide on the date and just write to me :) 

You can use any contact form on my website or write to me by e-mail: 

If it’s more convenient for you, you can write to me on WhatsApp: +34 672 80 46 42

How to prepare for a shoot?

If you have any ideas for photos/angles, be sure to tell me about them. If you haven’t thought about it yet or just don’t know what you want yet, tell me about that too and we’ll come up with something special together. 

A few days before the shoot, it is advisable to send me photographs of the images that you have prepared for the future photo shoot. We will decide together what will best harmonize with the location and also match the idea/atmosphere of the shoot. 

Try to get good sleep before our meeting. A good mood is the best thing you can take with you.

What time of day is best to schedule a photo shoot?

The best time for a photo shoot is early morning and pre-sunset evening. 

Pros and cons of shooting in the morning: 

— beautiful dawn light; 
— absence of a large number of people at the location; 
— you need to get up very early. 

Pros and cons of pre-sunset shooting: 

— softer and warmer light;
— all sorts of shops are open, there is life in the city; 
— a lot of people.

How to choose clothes for a photo shoot?

There are a few simple rules that will improve the result of the shooting: 

— basic colors; 

— no more than three colors for all participants in the shooting; 

— clothing without prints and decoration (rhinestones, sequins, stripes…); 

— clothing style depends on the concept/idea, but it must be the same for all participants. 

Undoubtedly, these rules may change depending on the specifics/mood/idea of the photo shoot. If you have any difficulties, we will help you decide on the choice of clothing, creating a harmonious and comfortable look.

How many photos will I receive from the photo shoot?

Depending on your activity and how busy the photo shoot is. I guarantee a minimum of 50 photos for each shooting hour, everything else is up to you.

How long does processing take?

Depends on the photographer’s workload and the season, but on average 2-3 weeks.

How are photos processed?

All photos that have passed the screening process are processed in photo editors. The concept of processing includes framing, light and color correction, as well as artistic stylization of the entire series to maintain a single style. Photo processing does not involve changing the size or proportions of a figure, correcting hairstyles or makeup flaws, hair color, or “add-on” makeup elements and other details in photographs.

What is retouching and what does it include?

— Skin retouching 

— Changing the color of clothes, hair, lipstick, etc.; 

— Figure correction “make me 10, 15, 20 kg less”; 

— Correction of eyes, lips, nose (increase or decrease); 

— Correction of makeup, hairstyle, hair, curls (remove protruding hairs or correct bouffant); 

— Replacement of background; 

— Replacement of a part/s of a photo (cut out from one photo and rearrange it into another); 

— Retouching folds on clothes (wrinkled clothes); 

— Adding all kinds of “special effects”. 

Requests for processing are accepted, BUT this does not guarantee their implementation if I do not consider it necessary!

In what format and how are photos delivered?

All finished photographs are provided electronically in jpeg format with a resolution of 300 dpi via a file hosting service on my website. A link to the archive is sent to you by email or via social networks.

Do you provide RAW files?

No. I don’t give away the sources for a number of reasons: photo sources are still not a completely finished product. I shoot in RAW format. In RAWe all settings are reset to zero. Brightness, saturation, contrast, white balance, “noise level” and even sharpness — everything needs to be done manually… with each photo, individually. The next point is that one way or another, the “sources” are leaked onto the network and not with my processing (but this is my handwriting, authorship). This is not good for the photographer’s reputation. I have personally encountered similar situations and would not want to do any more :) And lastly, there is a great desire to preserve a slight understatement in the created photo story, so a certain magic remains in it.

Will my photos be published on the Internet?

The photographer has the right to use, publish, transmit images without restrictions in original or processed form for publications, illustrations, advertising, public use in the fields of art, publishing, etc. etc. 

All copyrights for all footage belong to me. 

If you need confidential filming without further use of the footage in the public domain, you must notify me and discuss this condition IN ADVANCE!

How long are photos stored on a file hosting service?

The shelf life of photos on the file hosting service is 1 month. Therefore, our big request is not to wait until the last day and download them in advance!

How can I recover photos if I didn’t have time to download them or they got lost?

Within a week, after the expiration of the storage period for photos on the server, they can be restored for free. You can just let me know about this. 

If more than one week has passed since the end of the storage period for photos on the server, the process of restoring them is still possible, but not 100%. The cost of photo restoration is 50 euros.

There are still questions?

Don’t be shy, ask:)