Photographic education:

2021 — Igor Novikov's author’s online course «Photo Village»

2021 — Anna Radchenko's author’s online course «Laboratory CTRL+ART»

2021 — Alexander Medvedev’s author’s online course «The main tools of the photographer»

2020 — Igor Tsaplin's author’s online course «Vitamin C.2»

2018 — photography basics in School of Academic Photography, St. Petersburg  

Фотографическое образование:

2021 — Авторский онлайн-курс Игоря Новикова «Город Фотографов»

2021 — Авторский онлайн-курс Анны Радченко «Лаборатория CTRL+ART»

2021 — Авторский онлайн-курс Александра Медведева «Главные инструменты фотографа»

2020 — Авторский онлайн-курс Игоря Цаплина «Витамин Ц.2»

2018 — Курс «Основы фотографии», Школа Академической фотографии, Санкт-Петербург 

(печатные и онлайн публикации)





NOCIVA #9 (The Messenger) 

GEZNO Magazine #13 (R136a1) 

GMARO Magazine #25 (Sands of Time) 

Milan Weekly #1 (R136a1) 

HOLLYWAY Magazine #42 (R136a1) 

PONNY MAG #016 (Sands of Time) 

The Style Researcher Magazine #28 (Westworld) 

Milan Weekly #3 (Sands of Time) 

PENG Magazine #11 (Elisabeth) 

Fashion Sway Magazine (R136a1) 

Mood Boards Magazine #7 (R136a1)

SAL Magazine #2 (Wayfarer)

PASMO Magazine #5 (Demi) 

MARIKA Magazine #3484 (Vassallo Sisters)

Elysium Magazine #33 (Carina)


Philocaly Mag #68 (Carina) 

SHUBA Magazine #66.6 (Sands of Time) 

IMIRAGEmagazine #1609 (Nadin) 

ESTI Magazine (Nadin) 

PENG Magazine #12 (Westworld) 

London Runway #83 (R136a1) 

PEPPER Magazine #1.9 (R136a1) 

ESTI Magazine #24 (R136a1) 

MARCH 2023

IMIRAGEmagazine (Captive of Fashion) 

Mood Boards Magazine #8 (Vassallo Sisters) 

Assuré Magazine #43 (Captive of Fashion) 

Elléments Magazine #1 (Nadin) 

L'attirance Magazine (Captive of Fashion) 

OFF TOWN Magazine #27.2 (Nadin) 

Fashion As Art #29 (Captive of Fashion) 

PUMP Magazine (Captive of Fashion) 

PONNY MAG #18 (Nadin) 

6X Portrait Magazine #115 (Maria) 

OVER Magazine #103 (Sands of Time) 

Photohouse Magazine #26 (Nadin) 

Swanky Magazine #1 (Sick Sad World) 

POZA #31.2 (Captive of Fashion) 

The Feature Magazine #024 (Captive of Fashion) 

PinkMuse #5 (Dollhouse) 

ROLL UP Magazine #27.1 (One hot-cold Day) 

Vanguard Magazine #10.5 (Captive of Fashion) 

L'FRENCH Magazine (Sick Sad World) 

Period Magazine #199 (Captive of Fashion) 

FiLLINI #2 (Captive of Fashion) 

APRIL 2023

PENIDA Magazine #6 (Sick Sad World) 

BELLE #15 (Captive of Fashion) 

PUMP Magazine (Orange Orange) 

IMIRAGEmagazine #1702 (Dusk in Silence) 

SELIN Magazine #27.17 (Dusk in Silence) 

DOMINANTE Magazine (Captive of Fashion) 

PENG Magazine #14 (Dusk in Silence) 

INFRAME Magazine #28 (One hot-cold Day) 

Fashion As Art #30 (Orange Orange) 

Mob Journal #32.24 (Captive of Fashion) 

The Feature Magazine #026 (Sick Sad World) 

Artells Magazine #1343 (Orange Orange) 

OFF TOWN Magazine #29.3 (Captive of Fashion)

MARIKA Magazine #3864 (Orange Orange) 

Period Magazine #202 (Orange Orange) 

Top Posters Magazine #1700 (Orange Orange) 

MAY 2023

IMIRAGEmagazine #1760 (Lucky Man!) 

L'attirance Magazine #22 (Orange Orange) 

INCO Magazine #1 (Dusk in Silence) 

Moevir Magazine #17 (The Bridge) 

GEZNO Magazine #9 (Dusk in Silence) 

ROIDX Magazine #304 (Quantum Leap) 

IMIRAGEmagazine #1783 (Sick Sad World) 

SKYE Magazine #20 (Dusk in Silence) 

PEPPER Magazine #1.12 (Nadin)

DOMINANTE Magazine #8 (Dusk in Silence) 

Mood Boards Magazine #10 (Captive of Fashion)

L'attirance Magazine #4 (Dusk in Silence) 

BleachFilm (One hot-cold Day) 

Vous Magazine #4 (Up on the Roof) 

Vous Magazine #7 (Hello from The Future Past) 

6X Portrait Magazine #145 (Up on the Roof) 

6X Magazine #132 (The Bridge) 

MARIKA Magazine #3967 (Dusk in Silence)

Period Magazine #205 (The Bridge) 

PONNY MAG #020 (Dusk in Silence) 

JUNE 2023

MALVIE Magazine #647 (Movie Buff) 

GEZNO Magazine #9 (Up on the Roof) 

IMIRAGEmagazine #1855 (Black Bird) 

INCO Magazine #5 (David & Mike) 

DOMINANTE Magazine #9 (The Bridge) 

POZA #34.1 (David & Mike) 

DOMINANTE Magazine #10 (Verona Bel) 

IMIRAGEmagazine #1839 (Movie Buff)

The Feature Magazine #030 (Verona Bel) 

Artells Magazine #1532 (Up on the Roof) 

Vigour Magazine #8 (Black Bird) 

Figgi Magazine #426 (Up on the Roof) 

Zolota Magazine (The Bridge) 

JULY 2023

Moevir Magazine #12 (Anpeytu) 

Edith Magazine #392 (Movie Buff) 

6X Portrait Magazine #163 (Black Suit) 

DOMINANTE Magazine #13 (Movie Buff) 

L'attirance Magazine #7 (Black Bird) 

PUMP Magazine (Hello from The Future Past) 

Edith Magazine #392 (Movie Buff) 

Figgi Magazine #507 (Black Bird) 

IMIRAGEmagazine #1896 (Red Heat) 

Xirimiri Magazine #34 (Verona Bel) 

6X Magazine #151 (Red Heat) 

Figgi Magazine #512 (Movie Buff) 

L'attirance Magazine #14 (Felon) 

POZA #35.4 (Anpeytu) 

The Feature Magazine #032 (Felon) 

MARIKA Magazine #4219 (Movie Buff) 

Quadro #225 (Black Bird) 


FIENFH Magazine #44 (Waves) 

MALVIE Magazine #668 (The Hot Sand) 

IMIRAGEmagazine #1997 (Before Sunset) 

GMARO Magazine #36 (Blue Jeans) 

Swanky Magazine (Movie Buff) 

AVESSA (Dusk in Silence) 

IMIRAGEmagazine #1955 (Waves) 

Figgi Magazine #544 (Blue Jeans) 

POZA #36 (Before Sunset) 

ROLL UP Magazine #32 (She) 

6X Magazine #166 (Before Sunset) 

PENG Magazine #18 (Waves) 


Swanky Magazine #1 (Anpeytu) 

Fashion As Art #33 (Project Cube) 


MALVIE Magazine #690 (Tree of Illusions) 

Period Magazine #216 (Lady Cube) 

Mob Journal #36.48 (The Hot Sand) 

Quadro #259 (Lady Cube) 

Top Posters Magazine #2030 (The Hot Sand) 

L'attirance Magazine #1 (Before Sunset) 

Artells Magazine #1811 (Project Cube) 

MARIKA Magazine #4386 (The Hot Sand) 

INFRAME Magazine #49 (Before Sunset) 

Top Posters Magazine #1988 (Project Cube) 


ROIDX Magazine #357 (JDYS) 

L'attirance Magazine #14 (Tree of Illusions) 

GEZNO Magazine #19 (Before Sunset) 

DOMINANTE Magazine #1 (JDYS) 

Rebel Magazine (Project Cube) 

Photohouse Magazine #45 (Before Sunset) 

Elléments Magazine #2 (Tree of Illusions) 

YRAN Magazine #35 (JDYS) 

L'attirance Magazine #27 (Lady Cube) 

London Runway #91 (Before Sunset) 


INFRAME Magazine #68 (Saturday Night) 

MALVIE Magazine #6 (JDYS) 

Elléments Magazine (Daughters of Darkness) 

Scorpio Jin Magazine #77 (Saturday Night) 

IMIRAGEmagazine #2130 (Easy Rider) 

Milan Weekly (Witch in the City) 

Period Magazine #218 (Before Sunset) 

OFF TOWN Magazine #36 (Daughters of Darkness) 

Vous Magazine #4 (Witch in the City) 

ONLY MONDAY Magazine #97 (Saturday Night) 

PENG Magazine #21 (Easy Rider) 

The Style Researcher Magazine #32 (JDYS) 

SKYE Magazine #25 (Lady Cube) 

Fashion As Art #34 (Saturday Night) 

Milan Weekly (Before Sunset) 

IMIRAGEmagazine #2147 (Moonlight) 

HOLLYWAY Magazine #147 (JDYS) 


AVESSA (Saturday Night) 

Swanky Magazine #3 (Moonlight) 

Edith Magazine #497 (JDYS) 

IMIRAGEmagazine #2172 (Karolina) 

PUMP Magazine #3 (Saturday Night) 

Elléments Magazine (Moonlight) 

PENIDA Magazine #7 (Daughters of Darkness) 

The Feature Magazine #037 (Saturday Night) 

Xirimiri Magazine #67 (Moonlight) 

IMIRAGEmagazine #2227 (It's Only a Game) 

2021 — 2022



HAZZE Magazine #13 (English Village)

IMIRAGE Magazine #1230 (Golden Girl)

ONLY MONDAY Magazine #41 (Gogo) 

GOJI Magazine #22 (Unspokenness) 

MARIKA Magazine #1777 (Primal Fear)

L'AMOUR Magazine (Anna)

UnTold Magazine #666 (Golden Girl)

GOJI Magazine #23 (Fisherman's wife) 

Assuré Magazine #36 (Fisherman's wife) 

IMIRAGEmagazine #1239 (Jessica Rabbit)  

KAZARJ Magazine #8 (Nina) 

SHUBA Magazine #54 (Dirty Girl)

PRIME Magazine #34 (Perfect strangers)


SAINTEIGHT Magazine #15 (RI_LU)

ONLY MONDAY Magazine #43 (Man in the City)

Elléments Magazine #1 (Golden Girl)

Art of Portrait #62 (Stranger in the port)

17:23 Magazine #21 (Golden Girl)

SHUBA Magazine #55 (Primal Fear)

HORIZONT #29 (Gogo)

17:23 Magazine #22 (Jessica Rabbit)

KNOW Magazine (Golden Girl)

KNOW Magazine (RI_LU)

MVIBE Magazine #1.1 (Gogo)

SHUBA Magazine #55.10 (Unspokenness)

KNOW Magazine (Unspokenness)

Edith Magazine #528 (Jessica Rabbit)

Fashion As Art #15 (Unspokenness)

Epix Kids Magazine (Sand and Sea)

Want Magazine #1 (Dirty Girl)

Top Posters Magazine #833 (RI_LU)

MARIKA Magazine #1909 (Cardboard head)

Top Posters Magazine #874 (Unspokenness)

Art of Portrait #63 (Dirty Girl)

Top Posters Magazine #877 (Cardboard head)


PENG Magazine #1 (Fisherman's wife) 

FENIZZO Magazine #4 (Gogo)

The Feature Magazine #004 (Together) 

Want Magazine #6 (Courier) 

Swanky Kids Magazine #15 (The Little Prince) 

L'attirance Magazine #12 (Jessica Rabbit) 

ROLL UP Magazine #16 (Shine Bright)

OFF TOWN Magazine #16 (Fisherman's wife)  

Corbeaux Magazine #17 (Echoes) 

Weekly Style Magazine (Gogo)

MARCH 2022

Zolota Magazine (Dirty Girl)  

Justbe. Magazine #37 (Fisherman's wife)   

L'attirance Magazine #13 (Shine bright)  

Mob Journal #22 (Gogo)  

Assuré Magazine (Shine bright)  

Prolific Belle Arti | Fabrique (Unspokenness) 

Life Is Art | Vol. X (Primal Fear) 

LYX Magazine #11 (Dirty Girl)

PENG Magazine #2 (Silent place) 

DAZZLING #2.6 (Fisherman's wife) 

The Feature Magazine #7 (Silent place)

APRIL 2022

Art Of Portrait #64 (Silent place)

YRAN Magazine #6.1 (Enjoy the Silence)

Moevir Magazine #21 (Out of Time)  

Fashion As Art #18 (Enjoy the Silence)

Want Magazine #3.3 (Shine Bright)

KNOW Magazine #132 (Enjoy the Silence) 

L'attirance Magazine #15 (Charmed) 

SAINTEIGHT Magazine #19 (Wayfarer) 

Swanky Kids Magazine #17.5 (Shine bright)  

The Feature Magazine #10 (Charmed) 

OFF TOWN Magazine #18 (Charmed)

Swanky Magazine #17.2 (Out of Time) 

SHUBA Magazine #58 (Out of Time) 

MAY 2022

VANITY VIP Magazine (Out of Time) 

Lookbook Magazine #16 (Mars Red) 

SHUBA Magazine #59 (Wayfarer)

L'AMOUR Magazine (Out of Time) 

PASMO Magazine #3 (Together)

ROLL UP Magazine #18 (Enjoy the Silence) 

KNOW Magazine #143 (Wayfarer) 

Red Hot Monde Magazine (Enjoy the Silence) 

The Feature Magazine #011 (Out of Time) 

L'attirance Magazine #21 (Out of Time) 

BleachFilm (Red Threads) 

Elléments Magazine #3 (Out of Time) 

Fashion As Art #19 (Wayfarer)

Swanky Magazine #18 (Wayfarer) 

OFF TOWN Magazine #19 (Out of Time) 

Assuré Magazine #39 (Wayfarer) 

JUNE 2022

Philocaly Mag #61 (Out of Time)  

L'AMOUR Magazine (Wayfarer) 

Fashion Sway Magazine (Red Threads) 

The Feature Magazine #012 (Wayfarer)

Red Hot Monde Magazine (Wayfarer)

FiLLINI Magazine (Red Threads)  

PENG Magazine #5 (Wayfarer) 

Swanky Magazine #19 (Red Threads) 

Swanky Men's Magazine #19 (The Bay of Silence)

Top Posters Magazine #1141 (Out of Time)

KNOW Magazine #161 (The Bay of Silence)

PinkMuse #2 (Dream House)

MARIKA Magazine #2447 (Wayfarer)

COLLABORATION Magazine #13 (Red Threads)

Top Posters Magazine #1154 (The Bay of Silence)

Artells Magazine #212 (Wayfarer)

London Runway #75 (Red Threads)

Top Posters Magazine #1166 (Wayfarer)

JULY 2022

Prolific Quarterly Magazine (Belka Belyash)

Fashion Sway Magazine (Wayfarer)

Assuré Magazine #40 (Red Threads)

OFF TOWN Magazine #20 (Belka Belyash)

Life Is Art (Out of Time)

L'attirance Magazine (The Bay of Silence)

L'attirance Magazine (Red Threads)

The Feature Magazine #014 (Red Threads)

Artells Magazine #251 (The Bay of Silence)

Fashion As Art #21 (Red Threads)

HORIZONT #33 (Anastasia)

Elléments Magazine #07 (Jessica Rabbit)

LO'AMMI Magazine (Anastasia)

INCO Magazine #9 (Anastasia)

THE INTIMATE (Anastasia)

Pattern Magazine (Anastasia)


GEZNO Magazine #9 (Red Threads)

GEZNO Magazine #11 (The Bay of Silence)

GMARO Magazine #16 (Aquaman)

GMARO Magazine #32 (Anastasia)

Zolota Magazine (Belka Belyash)

IMIRAGEmagazine #1454 (Dollhouse)

IMIRAGEmagazine #1459 (Vassallo Sisters)

SHUBA Magazine #62.8 (Vassallo Sisters)

VGXW Magazine (Dollhouse)

IMIRAGEmagazine #1461 (Shannon)

Fashion As Art #23 (Dollhouse)

IMIRAGEmagazine #1462 (Cowboy girl)

HORIZONT Fashion #35.12 (The Messenger)

SELIN Magazine #20.53 (Cowboy girl)

Swanky Magazine #22.7 (Dollhouse)

IMIRAGEmagazine #1464 (The Messenger)

IMIRAGEmagazine #1468 (Demi)

The Style Researcher Magazine #22 (Vassallo Sisters)

OFF TOWN Magazine #22.9 (Vassallo Sisters) 


GMARO Magazine #26 (Dollhouse)

FIGS Magazine (Shannon)

PENIDA Magazine #2 (Vassallo Sisters)

YRAN Magazine #22 (Demi)

GEZNO Magazine #11 (Vassallo Sisters)

Lookbook Magazine (Shannon)

ESTI Magazine (Dollhouse)

Swanky Magazine (Shannon)

FiLLINI (Cowboy girl)

Fashion Sway Magazine (Dollhouse)

PENG Magazine #9 (Vassallo Sisters)

The Style Researcher Magazine #23 (The Messenger)

PASMO Magazine #2 (Vassallo Sisters)

MVIBE Magazine #19.5 (Vassallo Sisters)

PUMP Magazine (Dollhouse)

PASMO Magazine #4 (Enjoy the Silence)

Swanky Kids Magazine #23.7 (Michell)

IMIRAGEmagazine #1485 (Uptown Girl)

You All Models #41 (Vassallo Sisters)

IMIRAGEmagazine #1488 (Night City Lights)

Swanky Magazine #23.1 (Vassallo Sisters)

Elléments Magazine #2 (Dollhouse)

PEPPER Magazine #1.5 (Red Threads)

POZA #26.3 (Vassallo Sisters)

ROLL UP Magazine #22.4 (The Messenger)

INCO Magazine #1 (The Messenger)

Epix Kids Magazine (Michell)

Red Hot Monde Magazine (Aquaman)

Magnifiqué #160 (Vassallo Sisters)

The Feature Magazine #018 (Dollhouse)

OFF TOWN Magazine #23.3 (Night City Lights) 

The Feature Magazine #018 (Aquaman) 

OFF TOWN Magazine #23.5 (Shannon) 

Period Magazine #185 (Dollhouse) 

Figgi Magazine #57 (Vassallo Sisters) 


GMARO Magazine #19 (Uptown Girl) 

IMIRAGEmagazine #1496 (Bad Bad Princess) 

PENIDA Magazine #4 (Shannon) 

HOLLYWAY Magazine #27 (Uptown Girl) 

Elléments Magazine #11 (Shannon) 

Photohouse Magazine #13 (Dollhouse) 

Mob Journal #27.36 (Anastasia) 

IMIRAGEmagazine #1498 (The Phantom) 

Fashion Sway Magazine (Uptown Girl) 

SHUBA Magazine #64.2 (Bad Bad Princess) 

SELIN Magazine #22.10 (Bad Bad Princess) 

Photo Effect Magazine #4 (Uptown Girl) 

MVIBE Magazine #20.4 (Bad Bad Princess) 

SHUBA Magazine #64.6 (The Phantom) 

Fashion As Art #25.2 (Uptown Girl) 

Swanky Magazine #24.4 (Uptown Girl) 

6X Teen Magazine #10 (Michell) 

The Feature Magazine #019 (Uptown Girl) 

Elléments Magazine #11 (The Messenger) 

HOLLYWAY Magazine #4 (Michell) 

Swanky Magazine #23.01 (Aarón) 

POZA #27.4 (The Messenger) 

INCO Magazine #2 (Vassallo Sisters) 

DOLCE Magazine #6 (Demi) 

Top Posters Magazine #1380 (Michell) 

LOVELY Magazine #9 (Demi)


ROIDX Magazine #276 (R136a1) 

FIENFH Magazine #7 (Westworld) 

GMARO Magazine #23 (The Phantom) 

PENIDA Magazine #4 (The Phantom) 

HOLLYWAY Magazine #34 (Demi) 

Photo Effect Magazine #22.1 (Michell) 

GMARO Magazine #31 (Bad Bad Princess) 

PENIDA Magazine #5 (Bad Bad Princess) 

Fashion Sway Magazine (Vassallo Sisters) 

The Style Researcher Magazine #26.1 (The Phantom) 

IMIRAGEmagazine #1521 (Carina) 

IMIRAGEmagazine #1527 (R136a1) 

INFRAME Magazine #14 (Vassallo Sisters) 

Assuré Magazine #42 (Sands of Time) 

Zolota Magazine (The Messenger) 

Swanky Magazine #25.3 (R136a1) 

Elléments Magazine #12 (Uptown Girl) 

Enzomnia Magazine #1 (Vassallo Sisters) 

Fashion As Art #26 (Aarón) 

PEPPER Magazine #1.7 (Dollhouse) 

SAINTEIGHT Magazine #108 (Sands of Time) 

LO'AMMI Magazine (Carina) 

Milan Weekly #5 (The Phantom)

Milan Weekly #5 (Cowboy girl) 

The Style Researcher Magazine #26.3 (R136a1) 

HOLLYWAY Magazine #39 (Carina) 

SHUBA Magazine #65 (R136a1) 

You All Models #54 (Aarón) 

Fashzilla Magazine (Sands of Time) 

Figgi Magazine #129 (The Phantom) 

Vigour Magazine #7 (R136a1) 

Red Hot Monde Magazine (The Messenger)